USEPA Project 美国环保署项目
Project title 项目名称 |
Scale-up of High-Efficiency Low-Emissions Biomass Household Stoves in 中国西部地区高效低排放生物质炉灶扩大推广 |
Project objectives 项目目标 |
The project goal is to help rural households in the Western region access efficient, cleaner-burning cooking and heating stoves in order to reduce indoor air pollution and improve health and well-being. The project aims to assist farmers to access clean energy for cooking with high-efficiency stoves; to reduce indoor air pollution so as to improve farmers’, especially women and children’s, health; and to alleviate forest deforestation for environmental protection by rapidly accelerating the development of the wining stoves through commercialization scale-up. 项目的目地是降低室内空气污染和改善健康状况,为中国西部地区的农村家庭提供更有效、燃烧更清洁的炊事采暖炉具。目标是通过对获奖炉灶的商业化销售,使获奖炉具迅速发展,帮助农村居民解决炊事过程中的清洁用能问题;提高室内空气质量,从而改善农村居民,特别是妇女和儿童的健康水平;保护当地的森林植被和生态环境。 |
Project No. 项目编号 |
Implemented by 执行单位 |
Center for Entrepreneurship in International Health and Development, 中国农村能源行业协会 美国国际健康与发展企业家中心 加州大学伯克利分校空气监测中心 北京化工大学 |
Project duration 项目期限 |
Oct. 1, 2007 to Jan. 31, 2011 |
Project area 项目地区 |
四川、重庆、广西、云南 |
Funded by 资助方 |
US Environmental Protection Agency 美国环保署 |
Project fund 项目经费 |
$230,000 |